Creative Production


Video Portfolio

It’s Time Wilmington: TV Spots

Project: Multi-Platform Campaign, TV Spot

In the summer of 2020, the city of Wilmington, Delaware was - like most cities across America - facing the reality of an economic post-pandemic slowdown.

This campaign, It’s Time Wilmington, launched its second iteration during that summer, with the goal of bringing attention to all of the COVID-safe events, restaurants, and spaces that the city had to offer. I worked closely with the Creative Director and Director of Photography on this project, to storyboard and produce this three-part campaign, shot at locations across the city.

Delaware Historical Society: “Speaking of Delaware” Miniseries

Project: Educational Miniseries, Virtual Museum Experience

I directed and produced this series for the Delaware Historical Society, "Speaking of Delaware..." - the goal of this project was to bring the experience of the museum to life, beyond the four walls of the institution, and explore hidden historic sites around Delaware.

During production, we filmed at a crossing point on the Underground Railroad, did some detective work to find the grave of a Union Soldier, and spoke with local Indigenous leaders about Delaware's past, present and future. I worked with specialists from the DHS as well as a lead researcher and scriptwriter to ensure that filming locations and story details were factually and historically accurate.

For more episodes from the 16-part series, please visit the Delaware Historical Society YouTube page.

TiPure™ Trends in Plastics Animation

Project: Short Animation

This short animation was part of a pair of customer-facing videos, for the Chemours Company, which discuss trends shaping the plastics and coatings industry, and the role of one of their major products, Titanium Dioxide. I worked closely with an animator to storyboard the project, after writing the scripts, and directed and produced both pieces. To see the companion piece, visit the TiPure™ YouTube Channel.

Delaware Community Foundation: Vision Grants

Project: Short Documentary-Style Series

The Delaware Community Foundation supports Philanthropic and Non-profit organizations across the state. This three-part series was created to showcase how recipients of the 2022 Vision Grants used the funds they received to make an impact in their communities. I directed and produced these pieces, traveling across the state to interview grant recipients.

For a full-length cut, which covers three separate grant recipients, please visit the Delaware Community Foundation YouTube page.

A New Era at Penn Carey Law

Project: Gala Event Video

This piece was created for a Gala Event at the University of Pennsylvania, celebrating the largest gift in the history of any Law School, by the Carey family. The school had also recently changed its name, as a recognition of that gift — as such, the University wanted to share that while the name of this longstanding institution may be changing, the Carey gift would only amplify the existing values of the school, and enable the institution, students, and professors to achieve greater heights.

I directed and produced this piece in 2022 — throughout the process, I conducted research for the historic section and worked closely with our lead writer and researcher.

Disability Pride: Short Docu-Series

Project: Shortform Documentary Series

In 2022, I had the opportunity to direct and produce a short documentary series for the Delaware Developmental Disabilities Council.

The goal was to share stories of people from within this community and contextualize the meaning of disability pride, by exposing the historic and legal precedents, as well as institutional and systemic roadblocks, that limit access to things like healthcare, housing, education, and other lifeline services. For more episodes, please visit the Delaware Developmental Disability Council’s YouTube page.

Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence: PSA Series

Project: PSA Series

The Delaware Coalition Against Gun Violence is an organization that strives to advocate for gun safety and safe, sensible gun laws. I directed and produced this PSA series, which shares how to use a Lethal Violence Protection Order, or LVPO, to remove a firearm from someone in a mental health crisis. For more from this series, please visit the DECAGV YouTube page.

Undiscovered Opportunities: Explainer Animation

Project: Explainer Animation

INC Now had a unique problem: their product - the Series LLC - had the potential to be wildly successful, and useful to clients - but it was difficult to explain in simple, non-legal terms.

I wrote, produced, and directed this explainer animation "Undiscovered Opportunities", which discusses the uses and structure of the Series LLC. Moving this project along - from script to boards, and finally to a complete animated piece - was a really exciting process. This was my first opportunity to take an animation project all the way from a creative concept to a final cut.