Creative Production



Podcast Portfolio


Conversations with Kelly: A Podcast of the Delaware State Chamber

Role: Producer

This Podcast from the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce takes a deep dive into important topics at the forefront of the business community and features interviews with Chamber Members from across the state. We took home the Delaware Press Award for best podcast episode in 2022!

The series is hosted by Kelly Basile, VP of strategic communications at the State Chamber - full-length video podcasts, as well as bonus material and shorter interview features, were also produced for this show.


Building Opportunity in Delaware: A Podcast of the Delaware Community Foundation

Role: Producer

Building Opportunity in Delaware is a Podcast of the Delaware Community Foundation - an organization dedicated to supporting nonprofits across the state. The series is hosted by Stuart Comstock-Gay, President and CEO of the DCF.

An episode from S2 won 1st place in the Podcast Category of the Delaware Press Association 2020 Communications Contest. Episodes featured interviews with nonprofit leaders and stakeholders and focused on how organizations were using the DE COVID-19 Strategic Response Funs, to respond to community needs around racial and social justice, healthcare, housing, and access to vital services during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and Summer of social reckoning.

Season Three featured interviews with new leaders in the nonprofit world, as well as business owners and activists, who are working to advance equity through their work.

Season Four discusses the effects of polarization in areas like politics, education, journalism, and more. An episode from S4, “You’re Not as Bad as I Thought you Were” won 1st place in the Podcast Category of the Delaware Press Association 2023 Communications Contest.

The Other Side

Role: Producer

"The Other Side" is a show about people and businesses who had to adapt, innovate, and survive during the height of the pandemic.

The series features interviews with people from all walks of life — from scientists to small business owners, realtors to musicians — to showcase the impact of the pandemic on their way of life and what they saw looking ahead to the other side.